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Myths about Insurance Companies

Here the top myths we have all heard.

Myth: Both the staff and independent claims adjuster represent and only serve the best interest of the insurance company.

Truth: Staff and Independent adjusters are bound by the terms of the insurance policy. There is no incentive to deny claims or underpay for damages. Additionally, no insurance company has an internal company policy or agenda that advises their employees to underpay or deny claims. Doing so is both unethical and illegal.


Myth: A public adjuster works for you, the policyholder, to make sure your best interests are represented and the insurance company fairly settles your claim and honors the provisions of the insurance policy.

Truth: Only part of that myth is true. While a public adjuster is hired to serve the best interests of a homeowner, too many tend to serve their own interests before their clients. Even with a fair and accurate estimate from the insurance company, some public adjusters will inflate the claim (called padding) or drag it out for weeks or months in attempt to collect more.


Myth: You have paid into your insurance policy for years without ever making a claim. Now when a claim arises your insurance company will do all they can to deny or underpay the claim. It’s all just business to them.

Truth: Though your insurance company appreciates your long relationship, and may even give you policy discounts, your policy is still an annual contract. The fact that you have paid into it for years can never, and will never be apart of the claims decision process. Claims decisions can only be made according to the terms of the policy. The insurance company and its adjusters are bound by the terms of the policy and must not deviate. They are required to be fair and ethical.